4:30 pm
It's 3:30 and I have been back in Room 7577 with John. When I got here, I watched him get up and walk to the chair, mostly unassisted. That's great progress! He has already walked three times today, using the hand rail in the hall, with a Physical Therapist or a nurse beside him but not holding him. He wants to walk again with me. That's exciting!
Yesterday, I enjoyed a full day with the other pastor's wives and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Bev and I had gone to bed around 9 and I awoke again at 4 am and could not go back to sleep. Breakfast was just luscious! More fresh fruit, crepes, granola, hot cereal, and stripples. We all marvelled at its beauty, which not only nourishes the body, but the soul, too!
Angie Joseph had a presentation about Friends all based on the Bible. It was so practical. Her six points were, Friends: 1) Listen, 2) Share your lot in life, 3) Have your back, 4) Speak the truth in love, 5) Help everyone, and 6) Challenge each other. As pastor's wives we need to be friends with people without expecting them to be our friends, because that is how Christ was. What a challenge!
Rhonda spoke next and did a wonderful job sharing stories from her life of how her family extends friendship, accepting of people so that people come to know God. Her three points were 1) Be friendly, 2) Be supportive, and 3) Be Loving. She's an excellent speaker and we so enjoyed her words of wisdom.
Lunch was delicious with special individual salads, curry and rice, special side dishes, and coconut cream pie. Linda Kennedy, our cook, always took special pains to make everything so pretty.
Below you see the buffet, so tastefully spread out and all steaming hot! What we love about Linda's food is that it is delicious and has a plant slant. So much of healthy food is not tasty nor appetizing. This is all of that and so much more.
In the afternoon, we had time off. Angie, Peggy, and I went for a good long walk, first down to the lake and up heartbreak hill, then along the trail and back to our rooms. Bev and I had a wonderful, meaningful, long talk and then took a good rest.
A bit more about my retreat will be shared in the next post. John walked with me for the first time. I am able to offer just a bit of assistance as he gets out of the chair. I held his hand as he walked, holding lightly on to the side rail with his other hand. It wasn't a real long walk but the others today were longer. So the progress I have seen since I was gone is really amazing! So glad....they are taking a 24 hour urine sample to check his Creatinine. That will help determine his dialysis status. We are so hoping to go to rehab without it!
More later!
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