January 20
We're encouraged this morning. John is critical-stable. He's feeling better and breathing better, out of atrial fibrillation, and producing more urine. The dialysis has rid his body of lots of fluid and toxins. The challenge now is the blood infection because only a divine miracle will help if bacteria lodge in the dacron graft. But with initial survival rates of 5 to 30%, perhaps we should just plan on continued miracles.
Karissa 1/20
I don't think I've mentioned yet that dad is septic (infection in the blood stream). For those of you who are medical... You know that is not good news. He is also on dialysis which has removed the toxins from his bloodstream and helped him to feel better, but does not remove the actual infection. I just feel If Dad has made it this far.... I BELIEVE and TRUST that he will be completely healed. The devil is strong but Jesus is so much stronger..... And He has already won the war. Nothing is stronger than Jesus' words so we will continue to claim this promise...."You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for ANYTHING in my name, and I will do it!" John 14:13. Thank you Jesus for healing daddy and removing all impurities from his blood stream. — with John Knobloch.
Karissa 1/20
Good news :) Open heart surgery #2... they opened him up and praise God, they only found bacteria in the subcutaneous layer of the incision, not in the graft. That is such a blessing and huge news. He is back in the ICU and already off the ventilator. He is a little loopy and his only request is ICE CREAM!! Haha. I said "How are you feeling?" "Deprived!!" "Of what?" "Sugar... I want ice cream, the natural kind." Hehe :) just an update for now... Hard to feel completely calm because of this emotional roller coaster we've been on... Thanking Jesus. — with John Knobloch.
Karissa 1/20
So..... When the doctors talked to us originally they told us the worst case scenario would be for his aortic graft to get infected. They just found out that has happened. I don't mean to keep asking for prayers but this is scary. He was taken immediately to surgery. Please pray for wisdom for the surgical team and thank Jesus in advance for his healing. — with John Knobloch.
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