John went to bed before 8 tonight because he didn't get to rest all day. Our head elder at the Waynesville Church is on vacation in Maine so we went down early to pick up soldiers. That meant we got home from church in Rolla around 1:15, had a quick bite to eat and then headed straight down there. It made for a long day for John and he was wobbly and weak by the time we left there about 6:30.
My two gardens are doing wonderfully well; they provide wonderful opportunities to unwind in a productive and creative way. Just today I picked two beautiful heads of escarole. Not everyone will appreciate escarole because it has quite a bold flavor but it does well in a salad blended with milder lettuces with a good strong dressing. Anyway, I brought one to Rolla Church and Marilyn was delighted to take one home. I brought one to Waynesville Church but didn't find anyone who wanted it.
Scarlet runner beans are blooming beautiful and add some bright color to my mostly green garden. I planted my unique hyacin beans (see
photo) because they have lovely dark red foliage, lavendar blooms, a bright almost fuscia pod, and then these gorgeous seeds. It's a vine and climbs nicely on fence or trellis.
Last Sunday I harvested my garlic, so I just must post a picture of it, too....I have lots and will save some large bulbs for my seed garlic to plant in the fall.
One of my delights is working with the children in the school garden. I take just a few with me at a time because it is a hard job to keep them from harvesting anything they see, pulling up stuff that isn't weeds, or walking where we have just planted seeds! They just love being in it. And just as I imagined, they are willing to try something that they helped to grow! The other day it was kolrabi,
beets, peppers, pea pods, and cucumbers! I am so
proud of them when they at least try.